Tips On Tables - By Robert W. Dana - October 19, 1964
Buddha Welcomes Diners To the Majors Cabin
A solid ebony statue of buddha over 600 years old was given to Maj. Compson Satz by a priest at a temple in Old Delhi, India on his eighth cruise around the world. Because he had made a generous donation. It was given to him with the words, “We appreciate your kindness. Accept this in good faith.”
The statue now stands near the entrance to the dining room of the Majors Cabin Restaurant, a rendezvous of much warmth and friendliness that has served a variety of delicious foods at attractive prices for over 30 years at 33, W. 33rd St., 33 steps from the Empire State Building. Customers rub its tummy, make a wish and trust it will keep them in the stock market or at the race track.
During my recent vacation, I dined with the warm-hearted owner-host just prior to his departure on another world tour, much of which will be spent behind the Iron Curtain. Familiar with the best restaurants in the world, he is said to know over 1500 persons by name. This is a trick his son and right-hand man Buddy, is learning as he runs the shop by himself in his father’s absence.
Buddy is fortunate in having a staff of able executives and captains who serves chafing dish specials with a flourish. Nowhere have I had more delicious scampi, prepared entirely at tableside, as are lobster tail and steak Diane.
Majors Cabin Restaurant, is open only on Monday through Friday, its a la carte lunch (entrees from $1.75) served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner is served from 5 to 10, when a beautiful and uniquely-designed menu of red, gray and black is presented. It’s indexed in large white printing so the customer can turn a page immediately to a la carte, gourmet specialties of full-course dinners.
There are 15 of the latter, priced from $3.25 to $5.75 for charcoal-broiled minute steak cut from prime shell steaks. For each day there are specialties at Majors.

Black Angus
Cafe Madrid
Cotillion Room
Eden Roc
Famous Kitchen
Gage and Tollner's
Glen Island Casino
Jack Delaney's
Jack Dempsey's
Latin Quarter
Little Club
Major's Cabin
Marianne et Fils
St. Regis Maisonette
Sea Colony
Stork Club
Three Crowns

Hotels vs. Clubs
Toots Shor's
Two Guitars
WWll Rationing
