Tips on Tables – Robert W. Dana – October 2, 1957
Famous Kitchen Convenient to Theater
Roast prime rib of beef- in a New York restaurant is a dish one expects to pay a fairly good price for even as an a la carte order, but when it’s served a full-course dinner for $3.25 every day of the week except Sundays, then it deserves special attention.

I am using this, dish as, an example of the kind of value to, be found at the Famous Kitchen, which has served hungry customers in the theater district since prohibition days at its convenient location at 318 W. 45th, St.
This isn’t an ordinary restaurant of modest proportions either. Tommy and Johnny, who greet their guests as host and bartender, respectively offer spacious dining rooms that are as comfortable as they are beautiful, With green banquettes, broken occasionally by an elbow rest, handsomely mounted mirrors and an acoustical ceiling relieved by graceful light fixtures.
Tyrone Power Guest.
On the walls of the cocktail lounge, which now boasts a mirrored ceiling identical to one Tommy saw in Paris, are framed pictures of famous stars of the theater. Tommy befriended Tyrone Power in his lean early days on Broadway. Tyrone returned the gesture when he became, a star by sending his colleagues there. The parade has never stopped, and the general public long since has joined the act.

Except for Sundays, when it is closed, the Famous Kitchen serves a table d’hote lunch from $1.25 and a full-course dinner, from $2.95. The dinner includes appetizer, soup, pasta course, main course with vegetables and potatoes (salad request), dessert and coffee.
On a typical dinner menu appear such main courses as lobster Newburg, broiled shrimp maison, veal scallopine, veal cutlet parmigiana, frog leg Provencal, roast turkey, sugar cured ham with champagne and broiled chicken. For $4.45 you can have a sirloin steak on the dinner.
Hosts Special Dishes.
On numerous occasions I have recommended the Famous Tommy and John to friends who were going to the theater. While the menu carries enough of a variety to suit all tastes, there are many other dishes Tommy likes to trot out for appreciative guests.
If you leave it to Tommy you might get a chance to try his mixture of lobster and shrimp with chopped celery anchovies, capers, green, peppers an red onions mixed in a combination of French dressing and cocktail sauce.
Given time, his chef will turn out a risotto Milanese that you won’t forget for many days. Maybe. You’ll have the homemade manicotti Whatever it is, it will be very good, and when you are handed the check, you will be glad you ate so well for so little.

Black Angus
Cafe Madrid
Cotillion Room
Eden Roc
Famous Kitchen
Gage and Tollner's
Glen Island Casino
Jack Delaney's
Jack Dempsey's
Latin Quarter
Little Club
Major's Cabin
Marianne et Fils
St. Regis Maisonette
Sea Colony
Stork Club
Three Crowns

Hotels vs. Clubs
Toots Shor's
Two Guitars
WWll Rationing
